Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I introduce our Pimp Mobile and other news...

Oooh yea...she's a beauty! No power windows, but AC and CD player. Haha it's a decent ride though, no complaints. Ok actually one complaint, it's a ten gallon tank and costs 50 euros to fill up which is about 75$ USD. Are you serious???? I cannot believe I saw a H2, Jeeps, and an Escalade out here. I bet their monthly gas expenditure is more than their rent! We haven't named her yet, but I'm up for any suggestions. Let me know:)

I went and looked at two apartments yesterday. They are both nice, one had an amazing view but about half the square footage of the second. I'm guessing about 750 sq ft. That would be on the high side. The second has two large bedrooms, a very modern kitchen, and open floor plan which is very rare in most European apartments I have seen. The paint, flooring, and furniture in both are newer or brand new but we decided to go with the second. I'm not sure the move in date yet but I can't wait to eat a home cooked meal! Eating out for everything is rough even though the food is good and every restaurant has an english menu. The specialty here is roasted goose, I have not tried it yet but I'm planning too.

I gave my licensure documentation to some people today. I learned they have a government insurance plan here which gives everyone access to very affordable dental care and they also have a separate private system that provides most elective care on fee-for-service basis. I should be in touch with a Slovak dentist within the week. From what I've heard so far there won't be any reaccreditation process. They will accept my American license. I will most definitely have to prove myself where ever I land but I am up for the challenge.

Thats all for now, jet lag is still a beast. It's just going to take some time. More pics to come:)

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